The latest event in the East Asia Now Series, “Decoupling the U.S.-China trade relationship: The Challenges and Opportunities of a New Economic Order,” explored U.S.-China trade developments in relation to the Midwest and beyond. This virtual luncheon drew on the knowledge of trade and policy experts, including U.S. Representative Ron Kind of Wisconsin, a member of the House Ways and Means Trade Subcommittee, to address these issues.
The event discussed the impact of U.S.-China trade relations on a number of areas, including agriculture, supply chain issues, the Olympics, geopolitical stability, and an overall cost-benefit analysis of decoupling versus continued engagement. C0-organized by the Wisconsin Technology Council, the Center for East Asian Studies (CEAS), and Latin American, Caribbean and Iberian Studies (LACIS), the event is also part of the + Trade Policy Initiative sponsored by Michael Best Strategies and the Wisconsin District Export Council.
For more information on this event or to access the video recording, please visit our Events Archive page.