Library grant keeps the dragon dancing in Viroqua
You can’t have a dragon dance without a dragon. That was the problem weighing on Pleasant Ridge Waldorf School (PRWS) teacher Shihhan Chou as she prepared for Lunar New Year festivities set for the first …
Wang, Jing
Li, Min
Pharmacy archives reveal stories of early students from China
by Laurie Dennis A combination of serendipity and knowing what to look for led history of science graduate student J.J. Strange to a treasure trove of materials about some of the first students from China …
Barwick, Panle
Congratulations Prof. Anatoly Detwyler!
East Asian art history projects win prizes
Chancellor Blank on the UW’s relationship with China
From “Blank’s Slate” Chancellor Rebecca Blank’s blog: As we count down the final days of summer and get ready for another academic year, let me tell you about my most interesting trip of the summer. …