Call for Proposals: Course Development Grants

Students in lecture hallThe Center for East Asian Studies invites proposals from faculty members and teaching staff for its Course Development Grant program. The aim of the program is to enrich UW’s East Asia-related course offerings through the substantial enhancement of an existing course. Proposed courses should contain a minimum of 50% East Asia (China, Japan, North/South Korea, Taiwan) content. Proposals for online and large-enrollment courses are especially encouraged.

Awards of up to $6,000 are available. While this amount is generally intended to cover the summer salary of the awardee, other proposals for funds will be considered (i.e. visits to research sites or archives, professional development related to pedagogy, etc.). Awardees would be expected to teach the enhanced course by the spring 2021 semester.

Application Instructions

Application materials should include a cover letter (of no more than 2-3 pages) and a syllabus of the course in its current state. (Awardees will be expected to submit an updated syllabus after course enhancements have been made.)

The applicant’s cover letter should address the following:

  • Instructor’s research/teaching background and current course offerings. Explain the nature and extent of new content and enhancements to an existing or topics course
  • Details about the course, including title, targeted student groups and enrollment figures, University requirements that would be fulfilled, advertisement/outreach strategy
  • A general plan and timeline for how funds will be used
  • Anticipated learning outcomes, professional training opportunities, and impact of the course in stimulating student interest in the study of East Asia

The deadline is 4:00 p.m. on Monday, April 1, 2019. Please send your cover letter and syllabus via email to Questions about the competition can be directed to David Fields (Associate Director,