High Stakes on the Indo-Chinese Border: Implications for the region, the United States, and the World
This event was a panel discussion moderated by UW-Madison History Professor Judd Kinzley. The panel of expert scholars each offered an informal 15-20 minute presentation that was followed by a Q&A session.
The panel
- Arunabh Ghosh (Harvard University): A historian of modern China with research and teaching interests in social and economic history, history of science and statecraft, transnational history, and China-India history.
- Manjari Chatterjee Miller (Boston University & Oxford University): An Associate Professor of International Relations that works on foreign policy and security issues with a focus on South and East Asia.
- T.V. Paul (McGill University): Specializes and teaches courses in international relations, especially international security, regional security, and South Asia.
A recording of the event is available through the CEAS YouTube channel.