COVID-19, Trade Tensions, Turbulent Markets — Trouble for Wisconsin Ag


COVID-19, Trade Tensions, Turbulent Markets — Trouble for Wisconsin Ag


CEAS and sponsored a June 11 lunchtime panel discussion on how the trade war with China and Covid-19 were affecting Wisconsin agriculture. The panel featured CEAS faculty and state policymakers. It was moderated by veteran farm broadcaster Pam Jahnke.

This event was part of the East Asia Now series of the Center for East Asian Studies (CEAS) at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.


  • UW-Madison economist and CEAS faculty Ian Coxhead
  • Dan Smith, president & CEO of Cooperative Network
  • Sen. Janis Ringhand, D-Evansville, and a member of the Senate agriculture committee
  • Cal Dalton, member of the board of United Wisconsin Grain Producers, an ethanol plant in Friesland, and a corn grower-cattle farmer from Endeavor
  • Rep. Travis Tranel, R-Cuba City, a farmer and a member of the Assembly Agriculture Committee (invited)
