Understanding U.S. China Relations: Politics, Trade and COVID

The focus of the 2022 East Asia in the Upper Midwest teacher program was on understanding the U.S.-China relationship through the lens of history. Two China-based historians – Zach Fredman of Duke Kunshan University, and John D. Wong of the University of Hong Kong – discussed their approach to this often tense relationship and presented their research.

Educators explored the history of trade between the U.S. and China and how it has influenced the modernization of China, how America’s foreign policy goals for the China region have changed over time, and also how the recent emergence of a pandemic has complicated these dynamics.


Curriculum Guide

The curriculum guide for the “Understanding U.S.-China Relations” program is available for free as a PDF here.

The guide covers the following topics: geography and basic facts about China, the Chinese Exclusion Act, early trade between the US and China, WWII and the US-China dynamic, a select timeline of US-China Relations in the 20th Century, the COVID19 impact, and a listing of further resources.

Sessions with Scholars

Lesson Plans

High School

Middle School