The following courses being offered in Summer 2023 can be taken for credit towards a certificate in East Asian Studies. CEAS strives to keep this list updated, but it is possible that not all eligible courses appear on this page. Generally a course containing at least 40% East Asian content can count towards the certificate. Any question regarding the eligibility of courses not appearing on this list should be directed to David Fields or Laurie Dennis. The “H”, “L”, or “S” following the courses credit number indicates the course meets the breadth requirements for humanities, literature, or social science.
Courses by Department/Discipline
Language Coursework (ASIALANG listings)
ASIALANG 203 and 204 (3rd and 4th semester, 4 cr each)
ASIALANG 376 (Japanese conversation 3 cr)
ASIALANG 317, 327, (1st semester, 2nd semester 4 cr)
ASIALANG 355, 356, 357, and 358 (1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th semester for graduate students, 4 cr each)
ASIALANG 205, 206 (3rd semester, 4th semester, 4 cr)
ASIALANG 378, 379 (Chinese Conversation and Chinese Business 3 cr)
Asian Languages and Cultures
ASIAN 108, 3 cr, Intro to East Asian History: Korea
ASIAN 236, 3 cr, Asia Enchanted
ASIAN 301, 3 H cr, Social Studies Topics in EAS, Chinese Linguistics: Hip Hop
ASIAN 371, 2-3 L cr, Topics in Chinese Literature: Masters Literature in Warring
ASIAN 371, 2-3 L cr, Topics in Chinese Literature: Science Fiction 21st C. China
ECON 474, 3 S cr, Economic Problems Of Developing Areas
Education Leadership & Policy Analysis
HIST 108, 3 cr, Intro to East Asian History: Korea
HIST 145, 3 cr, America and China, 1776-Today
HIST 201, 3 cr, The Historian’s Craft:Sex & Love in Asian Religions
HIST 201, 3 cr, The Historian’s Craft: Shanghai Life and Crime
Religious Studies
POLI SCI 255, 3-4 H/S cr, Introduction to East Asian Civilizations