The following courses being offered in Fall 2019 can be taken for credit towards a certificate in East Asian Studies. CEAS strives to keep this list updated, but it is possible that not all eligible courses appear on this page. Generally a course containing at least 40% East Asian content can count towards the certificate. Any question regarding the eligibility of courses not appearing on this list should be directed to David Fields or Laurie Dennis. The “H”, “L”, or “S” following the courses credit number indicates the course meets the breadth requirements for humanities, literature, or social science.
Courses by Department/Discipline
Language Coursework (ASIALANG listings)
ASIALANG 101, 201, and 301 (1st, 3rd, and 5th semesters, 4 cr each)
ASIALANG 357 (grad 3rd Sem, 4 cr)
ASIALANG 311 (1st sem Classical, 3 L cr)
ASIALANG 315 (1st sem Classical for native Chinese speakers, 3 L cr)
ASIALANG 378 (Conversation, 3 cr)
ASIALANG 454 Advanced Chinese through Media (3 cr)
ASIALANG 103, 203 and 303 (1st, 3rd and 5th semesters, 4 cr each)
ASIALANG 357 (grad 3rd sem, 4 cr)
ASIALANG 376 (Conversation, 3 cr)
ASIALANG 450 (Advanced Readings II, 3 cr)
ASIALANG 105 and 205 (1st and 3rd semesters, 4 cr)
ASIALANG 357 (grad 3rd sem, 4 cr)
ASIALANG 305 (5th sem, 3 H cr)
ASIALANG 05 (7th sem, 3 cr)
ASIALANG 475 (Professional 3 L cr)
ASIALANG 135 (1st Semester, 4 cr)
ASIALANG 235 (3rd sem, 4 cr)
ASIALANG 357 (grad 3rd sem, 4 cr)
ASIALANG 335 (5th sem, 4 cr)
Elementary level*
ASIALANG 111 (elementary Chinese II, 2 cr)
ASIALANG 114 (elementary Japanese II, 2 cr)
*may not count for FLAS or other programs
ANTHRO 310, 3 S cr, Topics: Archaeology of East and Southeast Asia
ANTHRO 490, 3 cr, Topics: Anthropological Approaches to Study of Buddhism
Art History
ART HIST 104, 3 cr, Topics: Monstrous & Supernatural in Japanese Visual Culture
ART HIST 307/776, 3 H cr, Topics: Early Chinese Art, Antiquity to 10th Century
ART HIST 372/775, 3-4 H cr, Topics: Arts of Japan
ART HIST 411/776, 3 H cr, Topics in Asian Art, Modern & Contemporary Chinese Art
Asian Languages and Cultures
ASIAN 100, 3-4 H cr, Topics: Trek and Encounter
ASIAN 103: 3-4 H/S cr, Intro to EA History: China
ASIAN 104: 3-4 H/S cr, Intro to EA History: Japan
ASIAN 255, 3-4 H/S cr, Intro to East Asian Civ
ASIAN 268, 3 H cr, Tibetan Cultures and Traditions
ASIAN 277, 2 S cr, Kendo: Integration of Martial Arts and Liberal Arts
ASIAN 300, 3 H cr, Topics: Kibyoshi
ASIAN 300, 3 H cr, Topics: Korean Popular Culture
ASIAN 300, 3 H cr, Topics: Gateway to Asia
ASIAN 308, 3-4 H/S cr, Introduction to Buddhism
ASIAN 351, 3 L cr, Survey of Chinese Literature
ASIAN 353, 3 L cr, Lovers, Warriors and Monks: Survey of Japanese Literature
ASIAN 371, 2-3 L cr, Topics in Chinese Lit: Confucius’ Analects
ASIAN 375, 3 H cr, Pop Culture and Film in 20th Century China
ASIAN 376, 3 H cr, Manga
ASIAN 432, 3 H cr, Chinese Linguistics II
ASIAN 434, 3 H cr, Intro to Japanese Linguistics
ASIAN 600, 3 H cr, Archive and Ephemera
ASIAN 630, 3 H cr, Human Rights in Asia
ASIAN 712, 3 cr, Teaching of Chinese
ASIAN 763, 3 cr, Studies in Japanese Literature
ASIAN 951, 3 cr, Seminar in Chinese Literature
Cross-listed Courses
ASIAN 376/LITTRANS 231, 3 H cr, Manga
ASIAN/E ASIAN/HIST/POLI SCI 255, 3-4 H/S cr, Intro to East Asian Civ
KINES/ASIAN 277, 2 S cr, Kendo: Integration of Martial Arts and Liberal Arts
HIST/ASIAN/EA STDS 103: 3-4 H/S cr, Intro to EA History: China
HIST/ASIAN/EA STDS 104: 3-4 H/S cr, Intro to EA History: Japan
RELIG ST/ASIAN/HIST 308, 3-4 H/S cr, Introduction to Buddhism
East Asian Studies
EA STDS 103: 3-4 H/S cr, Intro to EA History: China
EA STDS 104: 3-4 H/S cr, Intro to EA History: Japan
EA STDS 255, 3-4 H/S cr, Intro to East Asian Civ
E A STDS 270, 3 H cr, Topics: Global Korean Diasporas
E A STDS 301, 1-3 S cr, Topics: Gender, Work and Family in East Asia
Engineering Professional Development
E P D 374, 3 cr, Intermediate Technical Japanese 1
E P D 601, 3-4 cr, Japanese for Business and Industry
E P D 603 3-4 cr, Advanced Technical Japanese Seminar
E P D 604, 2-6 cr, Research in Japanese Technical Literature
GEOG 340, 3 S cr, World Regions in Global Context (paper on E. Asian topic)
HIST 103: 3-4 H/S cr, Intro to EA History: China
HIST 104: 3-4 H/S cr, Intro to EA History: Japan
HIST 255, 3-4 H/S cr, Intro to East Asian Civ
HIST 308, 3-4 H/S cr, Introduction to Buddhism
HIST 335, 3-4 cr, The Koreas: Korean War to the 21st Century
HIST 340, 3-4 H cr, Cultural History of Korea
HIST 701, 1 cr, History in a Global Perspective (paper on E. Asian topic)
HIST 706: 3 cr, Topics: Transnational Intellectual History
International Studies
INTL ST 310, 1 cr, Seminar 9: Japanese Visual Culture
INTL ST 310, 1 cr, Seminar 10: Monozukuri (Making Stuff)
INTL ST 310, 1 cr, Seminar 11: Animals in Chinese Culture
KINES/ASIAN 277, 2 S cr, Kendo: Integration of Martial Arts and Liberal Arts
Literature in Translation
LITTRANS 231, 3 H cr, Manga
LITTRANS 261, 3 L cr, Survey of Chinese Literature in Translation
LITTRANS 264, 3 L cr, Survey of Japanese Literature in Translation
LITTRANS 373 3 L cr, Topics in Japanese Lit: Japanese Ghost Stories
Political Science
POLI SCI 255, 3-4 H/S cr, Intro to East Asian Civ
POLI SCI 328: 3-4 S cr, Politics of East and Southeast Asia
Religious Studies
RELIG ST 308, 3-4 H/S cr, Introduction to Buddhism
SOC 496: 3 cr, Gender, Work and Family in East Asia
THEATRE 351, 3 H cr, Fundamentals of Asian Stage Discipline